Network investment costs of the heat and transport transition

The Scottish Government has ambitious targets to achieve net zero, which will require the uptake of low-carbon technologies such as a 68% reduction in emissions from buildings as compared with 2020 and convert more than 1 million homes to using zero emissions heating, both by 2030.

The heat and transport transition will require reinforcement of electricity distribution networks. This report assesses network investment costs for domestic heat transition and transport decarbonisation using different rates of adoption of low-carbon technologies. It also assesses likely network investment recovery costs and potential impacts on Scottish consumer bills.

The research used Low Carbon Technologies Planner software to inform network reinforcement requirements and calculated associated costs for a number of scenarios. The research defined heat pump and electric vehicle uptake scenarios using scenarios from Distribution Future Energy Scenarios: Steady Progression, System Transformation, Consumer Transformation and Leading the Way.

For further information, including the findings, please download the report.

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