Monitoring outcomes of the third Scottish National Adaptation Plan

Scotland is already experiencing climate change impacts, including increasing water scarcity, flooding and extreme weather events. The Scottish Government is preparing for these challenges with the third Scottish National Adaptation Plan (SNAP3).

This report presents indicators for monitoring the four domestic outcomes of SNAP3. It establishes a baseline prior to the implementation of the Plan for monitoring and determining progress at the end of its five-year period.

The research was undertaken through desk-based review and stakeholder engagement.


The proposed indicators for monitoring each of the four domestic outcomes of SNAP3 are presented below.

Nature Connects

  • Habitat Connectivity Index​ 
  • Proportion of surface water bodies classified in high and good condition
  • Proportion of Scotland’s protected sites in favourable condition
  • Proportion of soft shorelines affected by coastal erosion
  • Extent of green-blue land cover in urban areas 
  • Proportion of adults who live within a five-minute walk of their nearest green or blue space


  • Level of community awareness around climate change
  • Level of community climate action
  • Progress of actions in local flood risk management plans
  • Level of community wellbeing

Public Services and Infrastructure

  • Level of collaboration across public services
  • Level of adaptation actions across public services

Economy, Business and Industry

  • Proportion of businesses monitoring climate-related risks
  • Proportion of businesses taking action to adapt to the effects of climate change
  • Number of green jobs
  • Uptake of grants for agriculture storage reservoirs and off-season storage lagoons​


Key recommendations for the outcome indicators include:

  • Consistent application of indicators.
  • Maintain continuity, quality and availability of data required by each indicator.
  • Maintain flexibility regarding potential for additional indicators.
  • Establish a working group to sustain the functioning of the indicators.

For further details please read the report.

If you require the report in an alternative format, such as a Word document, please contact or 0131 651 4783.

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