Local energy systems in the UK: Taking stock and looking forward
Decentralisation of the energy system appears to hold the promise of a more just energy system – a low carbon system that generates greater local benefits and better serves local needs. As a result, for local and national government, local energy is often framed as an opportunity to holistically address several pressing policy challenges: reducing carbon emissions, matching energy supply and demand, engaging and empowering communities, tackling fuel poverty, and reviving local economies.
This event brought researchers, policymakers, community energy practitioners, and other private, public and third sector stakeholders together to meet and exchange knowledge on the transition towards local energy systems.
The programme for the day:
- provided examples of local energy systems in practice from around the UK;
- examined the evidence that local energy systems are delivering positive economic and social outcomes; and
- looked at the enabling conditions for local energy systems in the UK.
Please download the presentations and a report detailing the key outcomes from the event using the links on the right.
Useful links for more information on local energy projects:
- The Bristol Smart Energy City Collaboration (see Simon Roberts presentation): https://www.cse.org.uk/projects/view/1296
- The ‘Heat and the City’ monthly newsletter is a useful resource for anyone looking for updates on local heat networks, and looking for examples of projects at different stages of development (see Dave Hawkey presentation): www.heatandthecity.org.uk/newsletter
- More details on the Realising Transition Pathways research project (see Beth Robertson presentation): http://www.realisingtransitionpathways.org.uk/
- ACCESS: The ‘Assisting Communities to Connect to Electric Sustainable Sources’ Project is all about making the most of the renewable energy potential on the Isle of Mull, using that energy to heat local homes efficiently and affordably: http://www.accessproject.org.uk/
- Tower Power: An Edinburgh-based project providing a community-led alternative to standard customer and supplier relationships, using collective bargaining power to negotiate cheaper electricity for everyone, and equal tariffs for everyone: http://www.localenergyscotland.org/media/89088/Tower-Power-summary-for-stakeholders.pdf
- Surf n Turf: The first community project to take excess electricity from renewable energy sources and convert it to Hydrogen: http://www.surfnturf.org.uk/
- Cultures of Community Energy: A British Academy research project to understand better the international cultural dimensions to community energy generation, to help inform policy: http://www.britac.ac.uk/community-energy-generation