Carbon Calculator for wind farms on Scottish peatlands

The Scottish Government’s Carbon Calculator for wind farms on Scottish peatlands was developed in 2008, to calculate the impact of wind farm development on peatland carbon stocks in Scotland and thereby support decision making. Electricity generation emission factors are updated annually, but no major revisions have been made to the Carbon Calculator since 2014.


The increased focus on the transition to net zero might affect the suitability of the Carbon Calculator for future use. This research conducted a detailed review of the latest spreadsheet version of the Carbon Calculator (v2.14), which mirrors the web version (v1.8.1). It provides an evidence base for future considerations and recommendations.

This review has initiated further discussions and highlighted the need for ongoing engagement, which will be instrumental in the development of the Carbon Calculator.

Key findings

Based on the findings of a technical assessment, evidence review and quality control mechanisms, the report recommends that when considered against recent policy updates and advancements in science, the Carbon Calculator, in its current form, should be updated. Each area of the Carbon Calculator was assessed for scientific accuracy and data availability:

  • The ‘payback time and CO2 emissions’ are not relevant/consistent with the findings of the technical assessment and literature review. It is important to consider whether emissions due to turbine life and back up are required, given new planning policy and the applicability of whole lifecycle carbon assessments.
  • For all peat-related areas of the Carbon Calculator, as well as the forestry area, accuracy is lacking in one or more methodologies, use of emission factors and assumptions.
  • While some data are accessible to users, it is not clear if they are able to accurately obtain some of that data – in particular, for variables that drive the results (the water table depth and extent of drainage), which could affect the accuracy of outputs.

This study is the first phase of a review of the Carbon Calculator. The findings of the report will be used to inform the next phase.

For further details, please read the report.

If you require the report in an alternative format, such as a Word document, please contact or 0131 651 4783.